Everyday pictures of my crutches
An ongoing body of work throughout The National Parks and landscapes across America. Investigating the tensions between the universal design present within these natural spaces and the design of accessible trails. Engaging with various “points of interest”. Responding to land and realizing how the land responds to me.
The Sea is Home
My origin a series of islands with a mangrove skeleton, a musculature of
mainland dirt, and a nervous system of coral
Where I am always welcome
My space of clarity
Axis of stability
Where I’m free from form
In Symbiosis
A portrait.
A frame of memory
The idyllic postcards of my new home
Tourists stumbling around waiting to fill their sunset quota, and buy palm
tree covered t shirts
Merman on the 800 block
Everything is coated with salt, key lime flavored, sticky, and stained with
cocktail syrup
Yellowtail fish fries and deep tracks
Chain smoking fish guts
Many baths of ocean water
The sting in my eyes and upon the first plunge of the day
Tables full of family photos covered in too many layers of dust
Good morning sunshine
My mother’s tight embraces
Her broken heart
A brother engaged in cyclical acts of self destruction guided by a broken
Forgetting himself
Strangled by false apron strings
Fixated on the sunshine that holds all the answers
I am a bystander
Tangles of seaweed that mark our bodies with the unknown, and unsaid
My response to the letters you sent me
The letter I expected to receive that has yet to arrive
Possible futures
A reminder of who is lost.
What we miss.
What keeps us awake.
What blocks resolution.
What misplaced our peace.
The Sea is constant
I’m caught in the currents looping, pulling, drenched.
Constantly moving,
Scrutinizing the past
With an exhaustive mind
The body that will carry me with strength or tear me apart
Uncertain of my place
Forever in the care of the tides
Always captivating my attention
So that I can take comfort in getting lost again
My Guide.